This week the Lord is asked to teach people to pray. The result is the Our Father. The important words are Father and Our. Jesus addressed God as Father.He did not say My Father but “Our Father.” He was conscious of praying as a member of the human family to God and he wants us to be conscious of doing the same. This a reminder to us all to bring the needs of others to the Eternal Father. In the Our Father there are seven petitions. The 1st three are directed to the glory of God, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. The next four are for our spiritual and human needs. Prayer happens if people desire to be close to God, if they are disciplined enough to give it time and if they have the right disposition which is humility. Jesus lets us know we must make an effort. He told us in the gospel to ask, seek and knock on the door and it will be opened to you.