Principal: Michael O’ Sullivan.
Bakers Road, Charleville, Co. Cork.
Roll Number: 16681Q
School Population: 225
Reception: (063) 89544
Principal: (063) 30626
Text: (085) 808 5262

Principal, Michael O’Sullivan, teaching in Uganda on his trip there with the charity Nurture Africa.
Charleville CBS Primary caters for boys from 2nd to 6th Class. There are six Mainstream Class Teachers as well as two Resource Teachers, one Learning Support Teacher and one SEN Teacher based in our school who work with our 152 pupils on a daily basis. A new ASD Centre is due to open in our school in September 2015 which will be a wonderful new asset for our school going forward.
The school boasts impressive facilities such as bright and spacious classrooms with toilets attached, large newly renovated school Hall, large playground including a school football pitch. We also make regular use of the Charleville GAA Sports Complex which is a fantastic facility for our pupils.
New Development in the Pipeline: Over 1,500 boys have passed through the doors of Charleville CBS Primary since 1970 when the new school was opened. 45 years later Charleville CBS Primary prepare to embark on a new chapter in the history of the school. Discussions have been initiated with the Department of Education and Skills regarding the provision of an updated school building for the boys of today and future generations. In the last number of weeks Tadhg O’ Mahony Builders have begun work on site, erecting four temporary rooms to accommodate our growing school population. These additional rooms will provide us with the additional space that we have been craving for. It will also afford us the opportunity to renovate and redevelop the classrooms in the main building. Further temporary accommodation will be provided in September. The Department have assured us that these rooms are indeed ‘ temporary’ and will be replaced with a permanent structure. Plans for this permanent structure are currently being examined.
Staff: The staff of Charleville CBS Primary are a hard working team led by newly appointed Principal, Mr. Michael O’ Sullivan. Prior to taking up this appointment Michael was Principal at Shanballymore National School outside Mallow. There are ten full time teachers based in the CBS along with two part time teachers. There are currently four Special Needs Assistants who strive to ensure that all children are included in activities throughout the day. We are also very fortunate to have a full time secretary along with a part time cleaner and caretaker. The staff of Charleville CBS aim to ensure that your child is happy here in our community. They will work in collaboration with the parents to ensure that he reaches his full potential while in our care. Our school not only promotes the academic development of the boys enrolled but also the emotional, social, physical, moral development, etc. In essence we strive to promote the holistic development of every child in our school community.
Curriculum: The wide ranging 1999 Primary School Curriculum is delivered in entirety at the school: Gaeilge, English, Mathematics, History, Geography, Science, Social Personal Health Education, Physical Education, Religion, Music, Art and Drama.
Extra Curricular Activities: A wide selection of extra curricular activities are provided in the school to include the following: Hurling, Football, Spikeball, Basketball, Athletics, Soccer, Computer Study, Scor na bPáistí, Active Flag, Green Flag, Junior Entrepreneur Programme, General Knowledge Quizzes, Music, School Tours and Trips, Cooking, Grandparents Day, Christmas Concert, Bring and Buy Sale, etc.
Student Council: Our Student Council was recently established. This council consists of pupils from each classroom who have been nominated by their classmates. They are currently orgainisiing their first project which consists of a Bring & Buy Sale which is due to take place in the school hall on Friday, March 13 at 12pm. All are welcome to support the Student Council on the day. The funds raised will be used by the council to purchase games and equipment for the classrooms for use on wet days.
Active School: This year our school has registered for the Active School Flag. An Active School Committee has been set up consisting of pupils and staff whose main aim is to promote sport and activity within the school. An Active Week is set to take place in May. We hope to be awarded our Active Flag in recognition of our efforts later in the year.
Green School: Charleville CBS Primary is proud t o be the holder of two Green Flag awards. We are currently working on our third award: Transport. Br. Ryan and his hard working Green School Committee must be commended on their hard work.
Christmas Concert: Our Christmas Concert took place on December 18. Over 500 people were present in the audience on the night which created a wonderful atmosphere. All 152 of our pupils were on the stage. It was a very enjoyable night with an array of music, song, drama and dance. A special word of thanks to our main sponsor of the night: Dick’s Supervalu Charleville.
Quiz Success: We have had great success in the recent Table Quizzes. Our u11 Team will represent Charleville Credit Union in the upcoming North Cork Final in Mallow. Our Fifth Class Team came first place in the Cork County Science Quiz organised by the Lifetime Lab in Cork. Our Senior Quiz Team took second place in the recent Ballygown N.S. Quiz held in Mallow in which 96 teams participated. Quiz practice takes police every week in the school.
Sport: The school engages in various sporting activities throughout the year. Hurling and Gaelic Football are by far the most popular. However this school year we have established a soccer team as well as a spike ball team. These two teams have performed exceptionally well in recent competitions. Our school will be participating in the Cork City Sports Athletics Competition for the first time also this year. Watch this space!!!
SCÓR na bPáistí: Charleville CBS Primary made a return to SCÓR this year for the first time in many years. We participated in the following categories: Solo Singing, Ballad Group, Recitation and the Quiz. A great night was had at the qualifying stage which was held in Buttevant recently.
After School Services: A Homework Club is offered to the boys in the school at a minimal cost. After school care options are also available at the local creches in the town.
Open Night: An Open Night for prospective pupils and their families will take place next Wednesday, March 4 at 7pm. It would be great if the children could attend this night also as we have a wide array of games and activities planned for the night for them. The event will last no longer than one hour in duration. If you are unable to attend the open night please contact the school principal on (063) 89544 or (063) 30626 to organise a viewing of the school or to receive an enrolment form. All enrolment forms must be returned fully completed to the school by March 11 to guarantee a place for your child in our school.
A new ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) Class is set to open in the CBS in September 2015.
This is a major development not only for the school but for the town of Charleville and surrounding villages. This facility will enable boys who are on the autistic spectrum to attend a Mainstream school while also having access to specialised resources and teaching aids.
The features of this class include:
- The class will consist of one teacher, two Special Needs Assistants with a class group no greater than six pupils.
- The boys attending this class will be included in any activities or classes wherever possible in the Mainstream Classrooms also. This will depend on the needs of the individual child.
- A Sensory Room and a Sensory Garden will be provided as part of the development which will be a great addition and will benefit all pupils in our school community.
- The classrooms will be fitted out with specialist furniture and resources to ensure that the boys attending will be comfortable and will have access to the required resources and facilities.
- Free transport to and from the school will be provided for those attending the class.
We as a school community are really looking forward to the establishment of this class here in our school in Charleville. It will be a fantastic addition to our school gang forward.