Parish Station Areas
- The Turretts (Church side), Love Lane, The Pastures.
- The Turretts (opposite Church), The Park, Granary Court, Vale Close, Rathgoggan Heights, Manor Hill, Deerpark View, Mannixville, Batt Donegan Place, Broghill Road, Hill View Drive, Orchard Heights, Oakfield Heights, Rathgoggin Place.
- Limerick Road, Rathgoggin Way, Newtownbarry, Kilmallock Road, Cedar Court, Deerpark Heights, Chapel Street, Clancy Terrace, Broad Street, Imperial Mews, Main Street, The Glen, Park View, Park Mews, Jail Lane, New Line, Glenard, Harrison Place, Bishop Browne’s Terrace, Ivy Close.
- Ballysally, Station Road, Station Houses, Rathgoggin South, Coreless, Cooleens, Knockardandrum South, Buttevant Road, Brindle Hill, Cois Gallain.
- Holy Cross Place, Kennedy Place, St. Brendan’s Drive, St. Oliver Plunkett Place, De Valera Place, Smith’s Street, Glen Haven, Smith’s Road, Meadow Vale, and Lios Na Ri.
- Ballyhubba, Fortlands, Knockardandrum North, Kiltoohig, Liscullane, Kippane, Ardnageehy, Clashgannive, Farroshonikeen, Springfort, Ballypierce, Ardmore.
- Ballydaheen, Gortskagh, Broghill, Deerpark, Graigues, and Ballincolly.