Annual Collection for retired priests will take place at all Masses next weekend, June 20th/21st.
The retirement age for priests of this diocese is 75. When our present retirement policy for priests was brought in, the age profile meant that a commercial pension plan was not possible, so the Diocese had to provide for our retired priests. Funds to do this were raised in a number of ways. As the number of retired priests grew, more funds were needed to support them, so eight years ago an annual collection for retired priests was added.
Last year that collection brought in around €55,000. A similar generous response to this collection this year will help the Diocese to continue to be able to care for our twenty or so retired priests, many of whom still work a little in parishes.
There is a special envelope in your household box, please use it.
Donations to charitable funds over €250 in a year can attract a substantial tax relief, for the fund.