A meeting of the Pastoral Council was held on Mon night. It was decided to recruit extra Church Collectors and to set up a number of teams into the future. There are very few collectors at present. Please volunteer to help out. Contact any member of the Pastoral Council.
A discussion was held also on the setting up a a Baptism Team to help couples for the Baptism of their child. This is a very beautiful ministry and a sure way of promoting the faith and helping parents to be more prepared for the ceremony. Consider becoming a member. Contact any of the Priests.
The Council also discussed what we might do in the parish for the Year of Mercy which begins on the 8th. December and goes on until 20th. November 2016. As a result of the discussion serious consideration is now being given to the possibility of a Novena on the run up to the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross on the 14th. September 2016.