On behalf of ourselves, the priests, and of all Charleville Parish, we wish to thank you and all the members of Charleville Men’s Shed for the outstanding work you carried out in transforming the outdoor toilet at Holy Cross Church, for the benefit of all those who participate in the various ceremonies that take place at the church.
The initiative was carried out with great generosity and good-will by you and we are very aware of the expertise and proficiency with which this work was executed. But, above all, it was heartening to us to see the spirit present among all the contributors to the job and we are deeply thankful for that.


Please convey to your members our gratitude and may God bless each of you for your kindness and constancy in bringing to fruition this important facility for the good of our Parishioners and of all who use our facilities
Yours Sincerely,
Canon Seán Cotter, P.P.
Fr. Tom Naughton, C.C.