Brother Damian from the Moyross Community, Limerick spoke on Tuesday night at the Prayer Meeting. He said we are in “a season of pruning” at present. Suffering is part of the conversation journey. He asked all to pray that we may all be conformed to the will and love of Jesus.
On the charisms, he quoted the Catholic Catechism Canons No. 799,780, which state “charisms are to be accepted with gratitude by the person and by the members of the Church”. He spoke about the “wildness” of God, the “wildness of the Spirit”. Some are led to do extraordinary things through the call of God and the wildness of the Spirit. The charisms contribute to the vitality of the Church and to holiness. They lead us from maintenance to mission.
He then took the group on a wide-ranging tour of the charisms available and encouraged us to foster them. Apart from the ones mentioned in 1 Cor.12: he mentioned the Charisms of Encouragement, Help, Hospitality,(some are brilliant at encouraging, helping and showing hospitality.) Charism of Mercy (aching with love for the poor, passion to help the poor). Charism of Pastoring (bringing people together to share with them the Gospel) Charism of Communication (Frank Duff was always reaching out to prostitutes and those estranged from the Church). Charism of Prophesy (bringing divine truths to people. Some have a gift in this area.) Charism of Giving (Vincent de Paul). Here he spoke of a man in New York who bought buses so as to bring people to religious gatherings. Charism of Leadership (Martin Luther King used this gift to bring about social change). Charism of Service– Some are gifted in getting things done. Charism of Intercession (Here he spoke of a person in Northern Ireland who is always asking him for persons and situations to pray for. She would intercede all day). Charism of Healing (Channel of God’s love to others) Charism of Knowledge – Some bring their great knowledge to bear on situations. We will probably see this in the present virus situation. Charism of Faith– Some have left jobs in total faith to be led eventually into other roles. Here he encouraged people to pray the Novena to St. Joseph. Charism of Mission – Some leave their country and go to foreign countries to proclaim the Lord. He mentioned the books by Cherry Waddell from the Institute of Catherine