Saturday 22nd August 11am – 4pm Scoil Mhuire Gan Smál, Blarney, Co. Cork.
Priests, members of Parish Pastoral Councils and anybody else interested/involved in Faith Development are encouraged and welcome to come and learn more about Alpha and what is involved in running Alpha. Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that explores the basic beliefs of the Christian faith and the evidence that supports it. Alpha gives people an opportunity to
explore and question as adults, what they learned about their faith as children. Typically, Alpha has around ten sessions and includes food, a short talk and a discussion afterwards in small groups where you can share your thoughts. The talks are designed to encourage debate and explore the basics of the Christian faith in a friendly, honest and informal environment.
Alpha really works! Alpha has been a success worldwide across all Christian denominations, including Catholic. 27 million people around the world have been on Alpha. It is run in 169 Countries and translated into 113 languages – including Irish Sign
Language. Alpha can be the key to help us move our church from Maintenance to Mission.