The Pastoral Council had a full agenda for their meetng held on the 19th April. Among the items discussed were:
1. The Corpus Christi Procession, which will take place on Sunday 29th May after 12 O’clock Mass. The procession will commence from Holy Cross Church, proceed through the Main Street and will conclude with Benediction in Holy Cross Cemetery.
2. Preparations are well advanced for the Novena in Holy Cross Church Charleville from the 6th to the 14th September. This Novena is for the whole family and the whole community; it will deepen our faith and give us hope for the future.
3. At the request of the Diocese, Parish Pastoral Councils are requested to have their own constitution. Charleville Parish Pastoral Council will finalise their constitution at their next meeting.
4. Commencing at Vigil Mass on Saturday 30th April and all Masses on Sunday 1st May the Sacred Chalice
will be available to the congregation at the left and right of the Sanctuary.
5. Dates & locations are being finalised for the summer outdoor Masses to take place in June, July & August.